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Some Little Changes

Monday, 26 November 2007 02:29

Well I have decided to try something new (to me) on my website. It's a service called payperpost. The service connects content creators such as bloggers with advertisers to sponsor specific content. The content creator can then choose to write content for advertisers that matches their interests. I ran across the website while looking for ways to profit from all my hard work on the website other than the Google Adsense banner that I have.

So what does this mean for you readers? Not much really. I will still have all the regular content that I usually do; Lots of pictures of our projects, our trips, and our time with family and friends. Mixed in with the regular content there will be some sponsored posts. I will only post on topics that are relevant to my interests, and that I feel might give valuable information to you, my readers. I also will always give my honest opinion of any product that I am reviewing. If I don't like it, you'll know.

Will this make me rich? I doubt it, but if I make a few bucks this way, maybe I can go out and get something that I wouldn't normally buy for myself. Maybe I'll finally get a guitar. Overall I think this will make the website better by giving me some additional interesting things to write about. I hope you enjoy it.


Would the real Thanksgiving Turkey please stand up

Monday, 26 November 2007 01:54

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.  We spent the day over at Angela's.  She was kind enough to host the second thanksgiving celebration of the year.  If you recall we celebrated Thanksgiving at my parent's house back on the 28th of October.  Their plans to go south for the winter were delayed so we celebrated again on the normal day. 

Good food, good company, and good conversation.  Sounds like a holiday to me.

Things never go as planned

Sunday, 18 November 2007 03:08
So we ordered the tile for the lake.  Around 700 square feet total.  The tile came in on Friday, and I managed to sneak out of the office a few minutes early to pick it all up.  The plan was to pick up the tile and head up to the lake to get some work done this weekend.  Things never go as planned.

I got home with the tile, and started to unload the truck.  There was no way we could bring it all up to the lake in one trip, the truck was severely overloaded.  When I started to unload, I noticed that BestTile had shorted me on the large tiles.  I got on the phone with them, and they realized their error.  So back to the tile store to pick up the rest.  When I got home, I stated unloading again.  Again I noticed a problem.  On the smaller tiles they had given me 22 boxes of one style that I was only supposed to have 9 boxes, and they other style that I was supposed to have 14 boxes, I had none.  By this time they were already closed. 

So no trip to the lake this weekend, I talked to the tile store Saturday, and they will have to correct tile in on Tuesday.  So hopefully one more trip back to BestTile, and we can start to get some work done the day after thanksgiving.

New Technology

Saturday, 10 November 2007 04:08
It really is amazing how cloning technology has changed the world. Who would of thought that we could make a replica of Lucy so easily. Well the process isn't perfect, Lucy's clone is a bit lighter in color, and for some reason he turned out as a boy. Not sure where that Y chromosome came from.

Here are some pictures of Desi and Lucy on their first day together.

They are still getting used to each other, but they are getting along very well. Their personalities seem to fit their names well. Lucy is a bit crazy, and always getting into trouble, and Desi seems to be the sensible one, although his accent isn't as bad as his namesake.

Here is a quick video of them playing after Desi's first bath.


Family Addition

Wednesday, 07 November 2007 06:42
Well, the time has come to let everyone know that we are expecting an addition to our family. That's right, we are picking up another dog on Friday. His name is Derby, he is a Cairn Terrier who was born 11/17/2006, so he is just about one year old. His current family can no longer keep him, so we are adopting him to be Lucy's playmate, and little Brother. Lucy has so much energy, and I am sure Derby does also, hopefully they will keep each other occupied, and tire each other out.

Here are some pictures of him when he was just a puppy, and a more recent one. He looks an awful lot like Lucy. Could get confusing. I have never had 2 dogs before. I hope we are not getting in over our heads.

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