Hi, I'm Scott. Welcome to nwi-tech.com
<----- That's me over there
Recently I have been getting feedback from some of my new visitors that I didn't have an about me page. Well, here it is.
I am a 37 year old computer systems administrator for a large company, living in Upstate NY. I love spending time with family and friends, especially up at our vacation home on Tupper Lake. |
I love wakeboarding, kayaking, snowboarding, skiing, hiking, and pretty much any outdoor activities. I also love cooking as you can tell by the Recipes section of the site. It seems like I have an endless supply of new projects that I work on around the house, so I always have something going on.
I am married to my best friend and love of my life, Brenda. We have been married for nearly 15 years, but have known each other since we were 5. We have 2 cairn terriers, Lucy and Desi, who keep us on our toes. We love to travel, but haven't gone far from home in a few years. Hopefully that will be changing in '09.
I started NWI-tech.com back in 2005 just to share our pictures with family and friends. It was originally just the Gallery (now over 12,000 pictures), but in 2006 I expanded into posting my thoughts and stories about what is going on in my life. The goal of the site now... well I don't know that there is a goal. I suppose it is still to share pictures and information with family and friends, and anyone who might be interested in what goes on in my head.
Please leave comments on any of my posts that interest you. There is a comments link at the end of each post.