Tuesday, 17 July 2007 02:43 |
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
No, not the Shakespeare play, it was Nickie and Joe's wedding! I guess Friday the 13th really is a lucky day. The weather was great (other than the few showers we had out on the course) The bride was beautiful, the entire event was wonderful.
We started the day out with a round of golf. Dave, Tom and I played 18 holes at the Mohawk River Country Club & Chateau where the wedding was held. it is a decent course, the greens are in great shape, and they are doing a lot of work on the fairways. Once they are done with it it should be nice. I hacked it up pretty bad, as usual. I don't think I will be trying out for the pro tour any time soon.
I could go on and on about the whole night, the effort that both Joe and Nickie put in to everything. They should start and event coordinator business together. But instead of me blathering on about it, I'll let some pictures tell the story. Of course there are hundreds of pictures in the Gallery, so head over there to check them out, but for now enjoy a few right here.

There are so many more pictures, it was difficult to limit what I showed here.