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Summer 2010

Tuesday, 26 October 2010 12:06

I didn't post anything all summer long, so I thought I would put up a few pictures of what we have been up to...

As usual, we have been able to enjoy quite a few of these

sunset over Tupper Lake another sunset over Tupper Lake

We did a little hiking, and got out in the kayaks a few times.

Anyone up for a hike? If I don't move, they wont see me Adirondack waterfall

Then Autumn came along way too fast, and we had to start to get ready for winter.

Autumn colors Pergola project

Then Autumn ended way too soon.

Mid October Snow

That wasn't all that we did this summer, just a few highlights.  I can't believe the snow we had on Oct 22nd.  Too early.

Scott Pollacek - about me


If you don't have anything nice to say...

Tuesday, 19 October 2010 07:22

So it's been a while since I published anything new here.  I have added some recipes, but nothing on the front page for a long time.  I guess I would file that in the category of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  This summer did not turn out as expected.  The wall and driveway project turned into a complete nightmare.  The fight with the contractor is still ongoing, and we are still unable to use our driveway.  Since the Driveway is unusable, the cobra hasn't been out of the garage since June.  So needless to say, it has been a stressful few months.  I hope that everything gets resolved with the driveway soon, but I really don't know when things will be back to normal.

Otherwise it's been an okay summer / fall.  I have been very lax about getting pictures off the camera.  I need to catch up on that as well.  We really didn't do a whole lot this year, and as such don't have tons of pictures.  I keep talking about the summer, I just can't believe that Autumn is here, and fading fast.  I guess it's time to get ready for winter.  Hopefully with the change of seasons, there will also be a change in luck.  Things have to start looking up soon.  Lets hope for a nice, pleasant, short winter!  And I promise to have some better (happy) content soon.

Scott Pollacek - about me


Wall Progress

Thursday, 29 July 2010 11:24

Lots of progress on the wall this week... I'll put the full progression  of pictures up. Can't wait to have a driveway again.

old wall no wall new wall begins

new wall day 2 new wall day 10

Scott Pollacek - about me



Tuesday, 20 July 2010 10:43

After a snag, a redesign, and a reset... it's time to show off the first blocks again.  The new design is a straight wall with the stairs coming up from the front rather than curving in from the side.  It won't be as visually attractive, but it will be enormously better than what was there.  The first blocks were set today, and now that the design is final (I hope), it should go quickly.  I can't wait to see the finished product, and have full use of the driveway / garage again.

First blocks of new retaining wall

and here is the original shot for comparison

the old retaining wall

Retaining wall first blocks progress



First Blocks

Thursday, 15 July 2010 10:50

Well it's been a couple of weeks of digging, and grading, and more digging, and dumpsters full of clean fill, but today the first blocks for the new wall are being laid.  Here is a shot from the same view as the original.  It's a big difference.  I hope it all looks good in the end.  I love seeing progress rather than just demolition.

First blocks of new retaining wall

and here is the original shot for comparison

the old retaining  wall


Can't wait to post some more progress pics.

Scott Pollacek - about me

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