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My Addiction

Friday, 20 March 2009 06:36
I think I may have a problem. The worst part is the fact that I have brought Brenda down with me. So, I am here to admit to the world that I am addicted to the food network. Well I suppose it is food in general.

Lately I have begun to notice that we are using the food network as a crutch. Our DVR is full of food channel shows, we turn to the food channel whenever a show we normally watch at night is a rerun. On weekends the TV is on the food channel all day long, usually while we are in the kitchen cooking up something inspired by one of their shows.

But it has gotten worse. A while ago I started putting recipes up on the web site just for my own convenience, but it has grown more than I expected. Now I am also taking pictures of the food that we cook, and posting the pictures along with the recipes. I have even been submitting the pictures to this cool site I found ( that is a mouth-watering photo collection of recipes, cooking, baking, kitchen adventures. I was so excited the first time one of my submissions was accepted. I had a couple of rejections before this picture and recipe got accepted.
chocolate mocha mousse
I am not sure what to do about this addiction. Maybe I'll mull it over this weekend while we bake some muffins, or try some new recipe. Whatever we decide to cook, you can probably bet that I'll be taking pictures of it, and submitting them to tastespotting.
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