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The National Bird is a Thief

Wednesday, 21 January 2009 02:14
So we were up at the lake this past weekend, and there were some nuts out ice fishing. I suppose I shouldn't call them nuts, I don't know them, I just know that the weather was outrageously cold. It was somewhere around 10 below zero. If someone could explain to me the appeal of ice fishing, maybe I will get it, but for know I just think they are nuts. But that's not really relevant right now.

So these guys are out there ice fishing, and we notice (from the warmth of our house) an eagle circling overhead.
The eagle seems very interested in the activities of the fishermen. eventually the eagle swooped in, grabbed a fish, and flew off with it. There was a second eagle, and I believe they shared the "catch." I love seeing the eagles on the lake. It's been a little while since we have seen them, but every now and then we get a good show. They are so majestic. I snapped a few pictures as best I could through the falling snow, and from the long distance. They are not the best pictures, but I thought I would share anyway.

eagle_1 eagle_2
eagle_3 eagle_4

I have to get a tripod, and a longer telephoto lens.
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