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For Sale - Senate Seat

Thursday, 11 December 2008 03:23

For Sale: Illinois Senate Seat. Low mileage. Well maintained. Motivated seller must sell, lost job, moving to state prison. No reasonable offer refused. Call (soon to be former) Gov Blagojevich for details.

Can you believe this guy? Did he really think that he would get away with trying to sell the vacant IL senate seat to the highest bidder? And I thought Elliot Spitzer was the dumbest Governor in the country... This guy makes good old client #9 look like a saint. The New York Daily News had a great editorial cartoon by Bill Bramhall yesterday. I'll link it here.
This is just another great example of how the people we elect to represent us in Gov't forget what they were really elected to do, and start thinking only of themselves. I hope you rot in prison Blagojevich! I wonder who else you are going to bring down with you?

Scott Pollacek - About Me

Tess' Christening

Monday, 08 December 2008 05:28
Tess' Christening was yesterday. Dave had a nice gathering of family and friends. I think he said there were 28 people that came to the house after church. Of course there was good food, and great conversations. I have some pictures that I will share. Debbie Reutter sent me some that she took also. Hopefully I can get the video from Dave's camera to post up later. But for now here's a few pictures. And there are more in the gallery.

Scott Pollacek - About me

Detroit 3 reduced to beggars

Thursday, 04 December 2008 07:58
Road Trip! I have been on some crazy road trips. I have gone back and forth to Florida several times, to NYC for day trips or overnight, to Niagara Falls and back in an afternoon because we were bored. I even drove from Reno to Albany in a '75 Bronco pulling a 24' U-haul with my brother. But today the heads of the big 3 automakers took a road trip to Washington D.C. begging congress for a $34 billion bailout. I can't even fathom the magnitude of $34 billion, but these guys are there to make their case that with the money they will emerge as strong, growing, profitable companies.

That's a hell of a request, and a hell of a Christmas present for our kid's and grandkid's generations. Merry Christmas, here is a huge debt that will probably never be repaid, and only postponed the inevitable.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the domestic automakers couldn't survive. but this crisis is not new, and none of the ideas that I have heard from them are going to get them through it. In my completely non-expert under-informed opinion they need complete restructuring, and streamlining. No amount of cash is going to turn them around without major changes. Just look at the auto market over the past 10 years. Ford, GM and Chrysler continue to lose market share, layoff employees in the US, move more and more manufacturing out of the US, and close plants all while Honda, Toyota, and even Hyundai are gaining market share, building plants in the US and hiring Americans to build these "foreign cars" in American plants. So if they can manage to make a profit building and selling cars in America, so could GM, Ford and Chrysler.

And again in my completely non-expert under-informed opinion, even if one or all of the American auto manufactures were to disappear (and I neither hope nor believe that this will happen), Americans will still be buying cars. So either an existing manufacturers, or new ones would have to pick up the slack to manufacture all the cars that used to be bought from the Detroit 3, and those existing manufacturers, or new ones would need additional workforce to meet those needs. Ultimately there will be fewer people working in the auto manufacturing industry, but with the Detroit 3 continuing on their current path, there will be anyway.

Lets let the free market decide what the automotive sector should look like. Lets not let congress throw good money after bad just because these companies have been around forever. They can survive, it's going to be up to them to make it happen... with or without the bailout. With the bailout they may survive a year or 2 longer without major changes, but without those changes the end result will be the same... in my non-expert opinion.

Scott Pollacek - About Me

Christmas Spirit

Monday, 01 December 2008 04:50
Ah the spirit of Christmas, giving of yourself, helping your fellow man, and altogether being charitable and generous. Maybe the people who trampled a Walmart employee to death need a little refresher course on what Christmas really means.

How could anyone be so caught up in getting a bargain that they not only don't stop to help someone who has been knocked down by their fellow bargain hunters, but they themselves step on the fallen man to get to the deals? I think a few of us need to sit down and watch It's a Wonderful Life or something to remind us what this holiday season is really all about. I mean did these people really believe that there was going to be such a good deal that it was worth throwing away common courtesy, and compassion for others just to make sure they had a chance to save a few dollars?

I guess it's just a reminder for myself of why I do as much shopping online as possible. I like to see the best in people, and frankly there isn't a lot of good to be seen in the rush of holiday shoppers.

I think Dr Suess may have said it best...

grinch "And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."

"Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand.

Scott Pollacek - About Me

Happy Thanksgiving '08

Thursday, 27 November 2008 03:44
Well the real Thanksgiving is here. Brenda and I are up at the lake watching the snow fall, and working on the stuffing for dinner, well Brenda is working on the stuffing. We are going to have a small feast of brine roasted turkey breast, stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, green beans, home made cranberry sauce, crab stuffed mushrooms, biscuits, a nice bottle of wine, and apple crisp for dessert.

I thought it would be nice to take this opportunity to list some of the things I am thankful for this year:

Most of all I am thankful for my wonderful wife, and best friend Brenda. I have known her my whole life, she is strong, caring, beautiful, and after all these years together, I really would be lost without her. She is my soulmate. It doesn't matter where we are, or what we are doing, as long as we are together I am happy.
I am thankful for my family, and not just Mom and Dad, my brothers and sister, nieces and nephew, but I am thankful for the extensive extended family that we enjoy. The many cousins, aunts and uncles that bring such happiness to our lives.
There are so many more things for me to be thankful for, I really couldn't list them all. But really family is all that matters.

What are you thankful for this year?

Scott Pollacek - About Me
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