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New Feature

Monday, 17 March 2008 05:48
Lets see if I can make things a little easier to navigate around here. I have added a new feature to the site that should make it a little easier to get to specific albums in the Gallery. I have added some redirects so that some of the most popular albums can be accessed with simple URLs. For example if you want to get to the Baby Tess Album you can type in in your web browsers address bar. I have set up a bunch, and if you have any suggestions for others that would be convenient, please let me know. here is a list of what I have so far.

The main Gallery page -
Baby Tess Album -
The Family Album -
The Lake Album -
Our Projects Album -
The Road Trips Album -
TessyCam -
TupperCam -

All of these work as either or Hopefully they will be useful. The menu will always be at the top so you can get to different sections of the website that way also.
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Auntie Brenda

Monday, 17 March 2008 04:01
I know I haven't posted about Baby Tess in a while, but there are some new pictures from Denise, and now some new pictures that we took when we stopped by on March 5th. I am usually better about getting pictures off our camera and onto the website. but it has been a crazy couple of weeks. I'll try to get new stuff up sooner, but remember to keep checking in the Gallery since I often upload pictures, but don't post a new article on the front page. The Baby Tess Album is in the Family Album. Just click the Gallery button at the top of the page, or any of the links in this article to get started.

Aunt Brenda with Tess sleeping Tess
bright eyes piggies

The piggy picture (toes) is for you Nickie. Brenda thought that would make you smile.
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Monday, 03 March 2008 02:59
Have you ever wanted to Publish a Book? Maybe, like me, you have tons of recipes that you would like to share, or maybe you have some great photos from your trips around the world (wouldn't that be nice). Or, maybe you are super creative, and want to write a novel. Wouldn't it be cool to have your ideas published in a book. Self Publishing has made it possible for anyone to author a book. I don't think I am that creative, but it is a cool idea. Maybe I'll start working on my masterpiece?
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Scope creep

Monday, 03 March 2008 02:55
Here we go again! The tile project grew over the weekend... again. It's good though. We tore up all the linoleum in the downstairs bathroom, and started to prep for tile. It was then that we decided that since we are doing the floor, and a new vanity, that we should think about replacing the tub also. So after a little online research, and some measuring to see what would fit, we decided on this
whirlpool tub
So off to home depot to order a tub, and get some more supplies for what seems like a never ending project. But we will soon have a whirlpool to soak in
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Dizzy Desi - The Sequel

Tuesday, 26 February 2008 07:40
Boy does he love to chase his tail.

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